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What We Do - The Swanson Group

We deliver solutions to optimize our clients’ assets and grow their business

Partnering with TSG means your business receives personalized attention. We draw upon multiple members of our team to offer comprehensive services to domestic and international companies that are either new to the US retail market, are seasoned companies yet looking for better solutions or are companies seeking closer alignment with our retail partners.
We work directly with everyone involved to ensure that your products are marketed appropriately for their target channels, optimizing your promotional spend to avoid pitfalls and increase ROI.

Helping your business thrive

At TSG, we take great pride in collaborating with you from strategic planning through tactical execution.

We understand different companies have different needs. TSG has extensive experience assisting clients gain traction and achieve strong results in a variety of situations including:

  • Established manufacturers seeking growth
  • Start-up, eager to develop successful go-to-market positioning
  • International company or specialty business aiming for channel expansion
  • Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) or institutional organization ready to go to retail

We utilize the extensive experience of our team members and leverage our strong retail partner relationships in working to enable you to achieve your specific goals. Our ultimate reward is winning the business for you and gaining your complete satisfaction.

A few ways we help drive your success

Client and retailer business planning
Access to key retailer stakeholders
Customized support services
Create compelling, retailer-specific sales presentations
Strategic product and packaging development
Trade show management assistance

TSG provides what you need to win in a demanding retail market

The business world is dynamic, shifting and constantly evolving. To truly succeed on an on-going basis, you must perform exceedingly well on multiple fronts. Winning includes the right front-end strategies as well as providing exceptional, executional support in managing the daily business. And what’s required in daily management is often quite different for each retailer. TSG excels at delivering the services and assets needed to win.

Strategy and Planning

Analytics & Insights
Channel Strategy
White Space & Category Assessment
Compelling Presentations Strategy & Development
Collaborative Business Planning
Process Client / Retailer
On-line & In-store Assortment Planning

Business Management

Strategic Retailer Daily Account Management
Supply Chain Optimization
Retailer Promotional Schedule Planning
Marketing Spend ROI
Business Performance Monitoring
New Item Set-Up & Retailer Systems Management

Let's Connect